

After long and emotional "negotiations" within the family, finally we came to an agreement of sorts.

So... on Wednesday I'm flying back to BKK... then ten days later, on Saturday, I am returning to Cairo to spend 'quality time' with my father.

Which means a whisky and a smoke or two on the balcony with my father every evening. Except I'm not drinking for atleast six months in honour of my grandmother. So a coke... or a coffee... whichever is more readily available, I suppose.

So... lots of flying to do... Back to Thailand on the 2nd of February... then to Perth (hopefully) to spend time with my dearest on the 4th... before finally heading back to Melbourne for a meeting on the 10th.

What am I going to do to keep myself busy during the daytimes during my stay in Cairo? Study Arabic four - five hours a day. Seriously. Some people collect curios and trinkets when they go on holiday... I collect languages.

Anyhow... I'm feeling quite relieved to have finally reached some sort of conclusion... so I'm ready to thank some people who deserve some thanks for their support these past few days... (sorry I didn't mention this earlier... I was feeling quite introspective)


Pankaj... for being the best 'Jaan' I could ever wish for, despite all our differences. You are my rock, and even though we are miles apart right now... as we usually are, you are, as ever, always there for me... Thank-you, my love.

Tedy... for reading my blog and writing me an e-mail, and for praying for me. Maybe those prayers do work after all!

Itt... for putting a smile on my face atleast once or twice these past few days, with all that silly chatting! Khoop jai na ja!

Sarinda... for finally replying to my e-mail and letting me know you are ok (even though it took you a while!)... plus for all your supportive text messages!

Erno... for a calming evening walk, even though I was 'relatively' quiet (for a change), sometimes it's good to get out of my own head! ... even IF I did all the talking.

Nagla... for being an amazingly insightful Arabic teacher, and for being able to sense my mood even though we've only met three times! Shoukran!

Aditya & Akshay... for interrupting your new year celebrations to wish me your condolences when P called me.... It's great working with both of you!

My parents... for finally pulling through as my family... and for finally working things out and coming out with some honest feelings. You're the best!

last, but not least... Khun Yai: You passed away around the time I was a bit tipsy and climbing from a balcony onto a rooftop... If you died instead of me... I'm so sorry I risked my life that way. I won't be drinking in the next half year, or willingly engaging in any life-endangering activities from now on. Please come visit me soon - I'll be waiting for you in my dreams. Perhaps we'll go for a stroll through your garden, feed the fishes, and when it gets too hot, we can go inside to eat the wonderful Noinaa Kathi you always made for P'Oad and me... if you want to have lunch outside on the verandah, I'll be there to fend off the flies for you.

I sincerely hope you've found a better place... I'll be meditating for you tonight.

... ... ...

If I forgot anyone here, I don't mean to offend... my sincerest apologies - I'm not in the most sharp state of mind currently... That said, my sincerest apologies also to all those I may have been rude to these past few days without giving any reason. It's been a turbulent few days, and I thank all that have traversed my life during this period.