
Yesterday I spoke too soon...

Why do I always end up at home at a ridiculous time if I go anywhere with Bernard?

I didn't get home until four thirty last night (and I only had one bloody mary!)... which meant that I woke up at almost one... then I spent the whole day procrastinating around two assignments. Only got one done. Instead of doing the other one, I called my parents and picked a fight with my dad, as I am apt to do.

It was the old "You should study business and economics" discussion again. Since I am having some trouble deciding what the hell it is that I want to study next year anyhow, I may as well humour him and go and see what is available under economics...

Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

He's noticed a trait in me that he said he has himself - the enjoyment of a struggle, a challenge. He never excelled in what he enjoyed, and I don't seem to either. He excels in things that give him a challenge. Same here. We both seem to enjoy torturing ourselves. We had a good discussion around that.

The biting thing is that my dad really saw it coming that I wouldn't enjoy the formal study of music. Grr.

Dammit, why do parents have to be so perceptive?


Today my 'thing' asked me about formalising this relationship... the whole boyfriend/girlfriend = relationship thing... I'm such a commitment phobic that it just scares the s**t out of me. I said I'd 'take it back to my caucus' and discuss it... But I kinda like the thought, scary as it is...


Aaargh... I'm going to drive myself up the wall thinking about this, because it's something I do. I need to give an answer to any question I've been asked, and I'm not patient.

So ask me again...