
Married, again!

Hehe. It seems I end up getting married to Cavish everytime I go out anywhere with LaTrobe people. This time, it was the LaTrobe multicultural night at the Eagle Bar. I wasn't in a very party party mood, so this time Cavish promised to be faithful this round of marriage, hehe. I even got special treatment (a shoulder rub) because I was sick. Yay.

My darling called sometime during the night, and didn't seem too perturbed to find that I had gotten married ... I guess that must mean he knows where my heart is :)

So sad... it seems that Kelvin is going for Jennifer Ho, so that means he wasn't busy making sure I was alright all night as he usually does... *sniff, sniff*, but the two of them make a cute couple - assuming that they are a couple, that is.

And Kenny... sheesh... he's technically married back home in Mauritius (although it was for purposes of convenience), but that didn't stop him from finding himself a 'hot date' that night.

Met a Thai person, who's Kelvin's friend, apparently, who was nice enough, but was a little too insistent that I come over and spend the night at his place, since I was spending the night somewhere out in LaTrobe anyhow... so my 'husband' thought he'd step in and insist I sleep over at his place... but I kinda thought that inappropriate, too, so I ended up sleeping with Kelvin, Ka Shing and Rachel in Kelvin's room. Hehe.

Oh... time to get down to work and write yet another essay (*sigh* sometimes I wish I were studying science, so I could copy answers from a classmate whenever I don't have time to do my own work...)