
European Film Festival, cont.

I must admit, the movie experience could hardly be classified as enjoyable, as the cinema comprised of chairs haphazardly placed in a room... which meant that my mother, who does not like to sit anywhere beyond the last three rows, and I had to constantly crane our necks to be able to view the subtitles during "Free Radicals"... but atleast by the time my father joined us for the next movie,

"Life as a fatal sexually transmitted disease" (referring to the fact that we are all sexually transmitted and we all die in the end), we learned that the best place to sit is at the back, as we can get up and stand at any point should we be unable to view the subtitles... Anyhow... the idea behind Free Radicals was indeed a very good one - based on chaos theory and fractals - but could have been clearer in the intent.... thus, I give it a 6/10 (average hollywood shit gets a 0/10 from me, so that's still generous)... Life as a fatal sexually transmitted disease had me forgetting that my seat was very uncomfortable, so I'll award that with a 7.5/10.

Later on, I went with my father to the Cairo Jazz Club after an interesting detour in the taxi... Excellent sounds... definitely worth coming to again next year when I'm back in 'el Qahera' (Cairo)

To my Jaan... I have nothing more to say, other than ... well... I can't help but feel a little bit forsaken at this moment... and that something is not quite right. Where ARE you??

Ahh.... a final highlight to the day: I finally finished retyping "Reflect", which I actually wrote a while ago, but managed to, in a fit of rage at writers block to destroy entirely except for a hard copy of the penultimate draft, which was naturally incomplete...

Well... in any case, that was a hard story to go over and rewrite all over again. Please let me know what you think...

And bear in mind... that was chapter one.