
warning: fragile

As the name suggests, I'm not in the most stable of emotional zones at the moment... in fact, I'm feeling quite... I don't know.... volatile popped into mind, but then I realised that I am far from being in a near-'explosive' state... Let's just say that I'm already shattered... and I'm just feeling very very numb... you know that feeling when you are close to tears...that gut feeling in your stomach that's just caged up in there...

Nothing is coming out from the corners of my eyes, and my eyebrows are permanently knitted in worry...

Why do things have to be this way? Maybe there's still a solution... I've been thinking about this for too long. There has to be a solution. There's a solution to everything when you make priorities... and when you are will to fight for your own cause until the very end... or perhaps there already was a solution... I just don't really want to accept it...


I'm doing a bit 'spring clean' (although it's not spring) and getting rid of all these 'hopefuls' hanging around. I just want to be alone. I don't want to have anyone มาจีบ. I was suggesting to Itt that maybe I should become a nun... I don't know why he didn't warm to the idea very much.