
I, Potato.

I can't believe this.... my dad's been bored enough to google my name:

I am apparently a type of potato ...

I especially like the part about my firm texture and excellent taste.

Variety Information - Valisa


Valisa is a second early to maincrop table variety which is suitable for dehydration. It is recognised for consistently good table characteristics and is not susceptible to bruising. Valisa is ideal for peeling and the production of sliced potatoes.

Valisa is early maturing with oval yellow fleshed medium to large tubers that's suitable for fresh markets and dehydration products. Tuber initiation occurs early and the vine is medium sized with a rapid, strong, upright development.


Shape: Round Oval to Oval
Skin: Yellow
Flesh: Dark Yellow
Market Use: Fresh and Processing Market
Early Maturing


Second early to maincrop, early tuber initiation round oval to oval, attractive shape, medium sized to large tubers with shallow eyes, yellow skin, yellow to dark yellow flesh.

Consumer Quality

Fairly firm texture, excellent taste


Suitable for dehydrated products


Medium tall, rapid and very strong development.





Disease Reaction

Resistant to potato ward disease (D1) and cyst nematode (R01); very high resistance to PLRV and virus A, medium resistance to virus Y; medium susceptibility to late blight; slightly to medium susceptible to rhizoctonia and black let