
Monday baby!

Your idea of bliss is to wake up on a Monday morning knowing you haven't a single engagement for the entire week. You are cradled in a white paper cocoon tied up with typewriter ribbon.
*** *** ***Ande Rebref

Maybe I won't do the sexy voiced "Happy Birthday Mr. President", but in any case, I'll take this opportunity to deviate from my Monday themed song/quote and mentally sing a birthday song for Daeshy:

"Happy Birthday to you..."

Ok, you know the rest... And if you don't, it's time to consider coming out of that cave already, or stop playing so many online games [edit: not you, daeshy, - that's directed to anyone who's been so out of touch with the world so as not to know the birthday song...]!

Anyhow, poor Daeshy is sick, and his birthday is on a Monday... talk about a rocky start to the year! I tried to be nice by bringing over this huge slice of chocolate mud-cake after work and gathering everyone (ie, his two housemates and Sanjiv who's temporarily living in the living room) around at midnight and getting Daeshy to blow out two candles... well... it was a nice surprise, but seeing as Sid is sick, he only had a bite, whilst Jeremy ate half the cake and all the cream.

I should have taken a picture... Who needs TV when you can watch Jeremy eat? While Daeshy and Vijay were absorbed in the brazil - australia women's football match on TV, I was staring at the blissful manner in which Jeremy devoured his piece of cake. You can't *not* get happy when you see him eat! It's incredible!

But I digress... my apologies... This post is about Sidhaesh, and how he should have a happy happy day today.

**EDIT: PICS from Last Night (Monday night) - Dinner at Soul Mama**

Mouths Full!

Everyone too engrossed in their meals to take a proper group photo

The famed spectacle of Mr. Jeremy Goh and his meal... here seen in less than usual splendour

Vijay was doing that on purpose...

Also, a quick recognition of two other birthdays that happened over the weekend:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bec (20) and Clark (27) (at European Beer Bar - I stopped over for 15 minutes after work on Saturday night)

Bec looks so nice in this Pic!

SCARY picture...

*** *** ***

Just on another note... I caught up with the missing Miss Ginny Loh over the weekend - finally! Life's been tough for her, man.

Before that, I had one hell of a hectic week, but I survived it - got in all my assignments on time, plus I think I did well, too... But I had to work on my survey all weekend, which means I'm feeling exhausted, and need a day to relax, but the week is just starting! There's an essay due in today, which I haven't looked at because I was working on the survey....

There's a birthday dinner to attend tonight....

There's the monolingual part of my survey to design on Tuesday, and Wednesday to administer it, as well as work in the evening (seeing as my monolinguals are in the city, may as well kill two birds with one stone and go to work as well!).... And another assessment for Thursday. *sigh*

But that's all ahead. It'll be fine. My time-management skills have definitely improved since my first-year days.

Last night I had this beautiful dream - about a blind little boy, and his deaf grandfather, and this incredible bond they had. The grandfather would play piano for the little boy every day, and teach him to play, even though he couldn't hear it. And then the old man started going blind, too, and has trouble looking after the little child... and was afraid the boy would stop loving him...

but then I woke up, and I was in the Spaghetti Tree telling Clark and Crystelle that I need to write down my dream before I forget it. Then my alarm clock rang, and I really woke up (In bed - *phew*!)...

... but it's time to start this crazy week...

So who wrote the quote? No googling it!!!