All split up

Man... what am I doing? I didn't go to uni again today, because I spent the whole day running around. I had to miss the election forum for the MUISS committee because I was on a campus visit to Bundoora in the morning... then I had a meeting with Aristotle about the public transport concession case in town afterwards... then I went to listen to his session on skilled migration... Been up since six fortyfive in the morning and I didn't have time to eat anything until two fortyfive... I think I'm getting sick, because I feel all stuffy and I've been fluctuating between too hot and too cold all day.
Life is going to hell again. Yay.
*stress stress stress*

I feel bad I wasn't there for Maggie, Yue Lin, Winson, Daryl, Paul, Song Yee and Halim today... Maggie was still stressed when I called her about half an hour ago to see how she did. Apparently, there was nobody running against them at all, something that hasn't happened in MUISS history.
Is it just me, or is student activism dieing? Atleast in Victoria, it appears to be... There was nobody running against me for the position of convenor... and for MUISS, there were originally no candidates for the positions of president and education... the would be gensec had to run for president, and a person who wasn't going to run ran for education... then the person who had originally wanted to do services and welfare ran for gensec!
Oh, well... I'm sure it'll grow on them. Hopefully they will be a proactive bunch and make my life easier!