What could be worse, seriously, than a friend who doesn't understand what nicotene addiction is like being the main 'help' and 'motivation' for quitting? And besides that, a person who won't be that extra bit nicer, and seems to have fired up his devil's advocacy guns besides?
Aaaargh... can't take it anymore. I stormed out on Tenzing and Shalin this evening... something I feel really bad about... but well... it happened. And I'm sorry. I know Tenzing is just worried, as a friend and doesn't want me to smoke... but now both of them aren't picking up the phone to me, and I feel a bit worried that I may have pissed them off... oops. Again... sorry.
Anyhow - I haven't updated this website in weeks. So... it's now time. There will be a lot of stuff in this one new entry.
Last time I REALLY posted anything, I was still in Thailand, and I had some thoughts on the value of things:
THE PRICE OF GOOD FORTUNEThe Monday before I left Thailand, I went to วัดโพธสำพัน (Potisampan temple) in Pattaya to ทำบุน ("make blessing" - or make a donation). I only had 90 baht on me (I'd carried 100 with me in the mornging when I went to the beach with my aunt and spent 10 baht at 7-11 on a bag of rice crackers) and at first, I only put in two 20 baht notes into the donation box after saying a prayer for my grandmother's and tsunami victim's journey into their next lives. Then, I played เซียมซี (siam see - you shake a container until a stick with a number on it comes out whilst thinking about what your future might hold in the next year) & got a number 8. I thought it should be quite lucky, considering that 8 is a lucky number for the Chinese, and it was Chinese new year the next day. However, the prediction I received was anything but lucky. In fact, it was predicted in detail all the things that would go wrong:
"Just like an uprooted tree, life seems cheerless. A transfer may help refreshing it up. Lost items unlikely to be recovered. Watch for mismating. Legal case hardly defensible, compromise or surrender recommended." ...plus, at the end, as if that wasn't enough, was written "No lucks."
Gee thanks.
My aunt thought I'd better try again, and although I thought that seemed a little bit unfair, I dutifully obeyed my aunt. I thought, "oops - perhaps I didn't give enough money the first time around" so I duly said another quick prayer and placed int eh box my remaining two 20 baht notes, and gave the เซียมซี another go. This time around, it was number 1, and the prediction was practically the carbon-copy opposite of number 8!
"Wishes will soon be fulfilled, support received, plans accomplished. Better not rush. Family enjoyable, patient recovering. Lost persons will be found. Good lucks gradually approaching. Discovering mate who could become a good match."
I found "mate" an interesting choice of word - obviously it's not referring to the Australian "mate" meaning friend... but seeing as I am living in Australia, I couldn't help smiling, and thinking of a certain friend.
But anyhow, the moral of this little story is this: Everything in the world has a price, even good fortune. In this case, just 80 baht.
Political thoughtsLet's see if we can paint a political picture of the P.M., just for the sake of arguement. I would draw an analogy: Perhaps he is simply like a father who is very fond of his child and can not bare to hear him cry. So - if the child cries for candies, he will deliver. If the baby doesn't want to go to the dentist, then nobody will force him. If the child insists on sincing and dancing to "old mcdonald had a farm" all day and all night, the father won't try to teach him other songs. So, by this analogy, the Thai people are a giant spoiled brat and the P.M. an over-accommodating father. But - where is teh old wisdom of the villagers now? As the saying goes: "รักวัวให้ผูก รักลูกให้ตี" (If you love your cow, tie it, if you love your child, beat it).
So there you go... I'm trying not to be that negative about "His Gollumness". He loves his baby so much he won't watch it cry as it learns the difficult lessons in life and doesn't want it to take any steps on its own lest it fall down and hurt itself. (Hmm... no wonder his son is one of the richest people in Thailand - and his wife - but that's another topic alltogether)
Thailands villagers may never learn to walk.
A little bit of thanks where it is dueIt seems that when things are unclear, it takes a small crisis to make people show their true colours. I've been very blessed the first few days I got back. I have to admit that only a few days before coming back, I felt as though I'd been somewhat abandoned by my friends, or that some of them had left... or that I simply never had the time to keep relationships going. I have to thank some people, and I'm going to have to tell you why I am thanking you - all of you are new friends. Alphabetically:
Emma: We had a huge fall-out last year when you came to Thailand, and it was mostly my fault. But as you very well know, we've been friends from the time I first got sent to Finland to live on my own. You were my replacement family - clearly my mother - and we went through so much together, like sisters. So, as I will never easily give up on a friend - once you are in, you are in - and I am loyal to the end! - I kept writing you letters and sending you little gifts here and there... and.... I came back from Thailand on the 9th of Feb to find the most beautiful story waiting for me! It was about a wise flower (but I won't tell you all what happened - that's our secret). Thank-you Emma for having all the love and patience in the world.
Itt: You probably notice, my dear confidante, that I mention you a lot on my blog nowadays - that's no surprise, considering that for over a month now, you are the one who has been there for me, even though you had summer school and were busy studying for exams. Isn't it strange how we've only known each other since last December (and we didn't even really get to know each other during NUS conference) and have, through MSN, become close friends (well, atleast I think we have!!!). Anyhow, thanks so much for being there to 'listen' to me whine abou everything under the sun (and beyond, too, sometimes) and for our lively philosophical discussions!
Pankaj: I'm really, really impressed with how you've been thinking some things over and trying to improve yourself, but, regardless, after that long talk that we had, I'm glad we declared our relationship a total disaster and resolved to start again as friends. The best idea that I've heard in ages! I know we'll always be really, really chose, though - thank-you for showing me how much you value me as a person, and for showing me how strong a friendship can be. You've taught me something, too.
Sarinda: Clearly, you've become a friend to exchange insults and banter with! But not only that! I think we'll continue to be a source of inspiration for each other, considering we both harbour a love of writing. Until recently, we've only seen each other a few times, talked on the phone a couple times... but hey! Sometimes things aren't decided by the brain, but by the heart. Both you and Tenzing were an amazing comfort when I had that little break-down! Also.... who cares if the shelves are on the wrong way? Thanks for that help with the bookshelf and for pampering me so much!... hehe and no... I won't flatter myself!
Tenzing: As I mentioned earlier, you really were there for me and said all the right things when I couldn't think myself out of a little ditch. Thanks for making me an honorary student at Swinburne (I've been there practically every day because you keep inviting me :) and for making sure my feet were covered when I passed out at your house... for caring enough to put me through hell and make me quit smoking.
I owe you an apology, and I owe Shalin an apology, for going all moody and storming out like that last night.... I'm really really really sorry!!!
There's plenty more people I should thank, but I don't know if I can write a long narrative about each...
My parents: We have really started to become friends :)
My family: P'Art, P'Ed, P'Oad, P'Kuu, P'Sally, P'Fon (well, not sister-in-law *yet* hehe), P'Di, Pa Add, Pa Al, Lung Maw, Khun Ta, Na Julie... my family is too big to list everyone here!
Ginny - you're always there when I need you, and have always been
NLC/ISO/NUS people: Shalin, Doorshy, Jin Han, Yong Jian, Danny, Alkesh, Felicia, Julian, Ali, Sharon, Kelvin, May, Daryl, Aditya, PK, Sankalp, Poh Kit, Akshay, Nyari, William, Paul, Rebecca, Jeremy, etc, etc... I'm really sorry if I missed your name - as you can see, the list in quite substantial - it's been such a pleasure working with all of you so far!
Julian - meeting you in student flights was a most fortunate turn of affairs!
Bill - my philosophy friend... you teach me all about how it is to chill and do philosophy and get mind-boggled
Bernard - my old reliable chill-out partner
Tedy - I promise to blog my garbage!!!
Richard - good luck with Pearly!!
Steve - Here's to a new friend, who's probably just as crazy as me
Jay and Phil - my flatmates
Erno - thanks for all the good times in Egypt!
P'Yo - for being such a conceited prick that I managed to learn something from you!
There are more people who belong on this list - more people that I am blessed to have in my life.... sorry if I haven't mentioned you, really!
Now for some general updates of the past few weeks:
Getting back to Melbourne, has, naturally, been a crazy time, with meetings, meetings, meetings and more meetings, orientations, orientations, orientations...
but, well.... a few memorable things happened in between, too.
Here, as promised, I am now going to blog my garbage. Not from today, but from exactly one week ago:
cherry pits and pistachio shells
receipt for above mentioned items
Behind is not the garbage, but the bookshelf that produced a lot of garbage upon leaving its box and being built. Imagine lots of cardboard and plastic.
So.... what was going on a week ago? I was at the St.Kilda festival, getting a headache trying to push through the crowds. So I resolved to buy some cherries and nuts and sit down on the beach with Ginny, until it was too cold to do that anymore... then we did other fun activities, like "treck through the mud to buy sweetcorn" and "join the 45 minute toilet queue" and "send the nachos order back to the kitchen because the cheese that was not supposed to be was still all over the nachos".
After that, Sarinda joined us for coffee (what a trial!) and I enlisted in his aid for the bookshelf contruction over a bit of Ballantines. One bookshelf isn't enough!! I have way too many books!! Oh, well... need to wait until I get more funds :)
Ok.... so there was my bit of garbage blogging.
We'll have to do that again some time... How about setting a date? Tedy? What do you think of mid-March some time? How about March 12 or 13??
Hey, and whoever wants to do this, we are thinking of a monthly "BYG" day (blog your garbage day - Tedy's idea!!)... so if you are in, I say the 12th of every month, ok??
So... what more have I been up to?
Catching up with friends, mostly...
Been spending practically every day at Swinburne Uni, plus intruding on their "Philip Island Trip"
I'll let the pictures do the talking.
St.Kilda festival
if you're fond of seashells and salty air...
Ginny and Sarinda
leaving the festivities
do you see a ghost?
is that Kelvin's or Jin Han's finger?? Tsk, tsk, setting a bad example for the international students we're supposed to be leading, huh?
Pugg Mahoneys
even the ghosts would get scared
ain't misbehavin'
Alkesh is going to Canberra, *sniff*
having dream and harmony tea... doesn't bernard look like he's dreaming? (I know Bernard is not going to like this picture at all!) And dont I look like I'm perfectly harmonious?? Errrrm...??
Keep cooking!
Kelvin at his *best*
La Trobe ISA
Swinburne Karaoke - Shake it!!
Thank-god this picture is blurry! Bernard?! What are you doing to the SSU president??!
Jay.... my flatmate... erm... he's getting married to that cute Indian actress with the dimples... one day.
Hehe... my ring looks good on you, doesn't it...?
and my hairclip, too....
Do you need counselling, Tenzing? I know Sarinda needs it every day.... but...
The famous coca-cola machine strikes again!
pelicans at feeding hour
pelicans on parade
where's the fish??!
the courageous loner
shy bear
Quack quack!!
I was so blur yesterday I couldn't stop grinning!
seaside view
ooohh... pretty colours
never go far without coffee...
I like Shalin's hat :)
... and Shalin is nice, too!
Where did this house come from?
One of these bit me 12 years ago!
these guys are freaky!
lil 'roo
big lizard
Shalin picked up a pet, I think...