
Why? Why? WHY??

Why do the have to dub Hayao Miyazaki in English?? Can't Australians read subtitles??

I went to see Howl's Moving Castle yesterday... Artwork, beautiful... doggy, very nice... but why the hell did they get the batman star to do the voice for Howl? Are they out of their minds? *Aaaaargh!!*

That's the first and last time I will watch a Japanese feature in English.

For now, I'm going to go sulk :(


Australian Higher Education

I'm in the Australian... Check it out!


The Australian and Story

Just been interviewed for higher ed supplement of The Australian again (had a lot of trouble looking angry during the photoshoot - the picture should be funny...haha)... I put my comments (roughly) in the politics section :) Also, just posted a new short story here

Finally - a chance to relax!

The weekend is over… again. *sigh*

But… it’s mid-semester break!

Ever since the time leading up to elections, I’ve been hanging around with Kan, Farhad, Ben, Wei Han and Hui Kiet, my new friends from the halls… and where’ve I spent a lot of time? At the halls! And now I’m jealous of the people living there! They have so much fun! And Kan has all these videogames… which I’ve been taking advantage of already (mwa ha ha ha!).

Anyhow, Thursday night, I spent some time just chilling out and calming down after elections with Farhad, Hui Kiet and Kan… dinner first, then just stoning in … was it in Kan’s or Farhad’s room? Can’t remember…

Friday, went to Kan’s room in the afternoon, after checking in on ballot counting progress and having a chat with both Catherine and Patrick. I played both Paper Mario and Kingdom Hearts all day long… and after that, Rick came over, and we moved into the projector room and played Mario Cart and Naruto. I guess I won’t be as desperate to play games once I get to BKK this time! Kan should meet P’Oad – I think they’d get along, both being big game aficionados!

Sidhaesh called me while I was playing Paper Mario… I handed the controller over to Kan… and spoke on the phone. Then Kan handed it back to me and I was distracted for a few seconds while I was trying to get rid of it again. Why did Sidhaesh get to annoyed with me? Why do we always end up having a very negative exchange over the phone? I don’t want to fight. Really don’t want to. More than anything, I just don’t see a point to fighting, a point to being unhappy. And perhaps we may disagree on this, but I think it’s better not to talk than to talk and be unhappy.

Saturday was fun – went to the Royal Melbourne Show – it’s a bit like a ‘gnaan wat’ in Thailand, except the Australian version of it. Just a big carnival with just about everything in it.

The mission for the day was to win a stuffed toy ‘Spongebob’ (above) for Hui Kiet. Atleast, that was the mission as far as Ben, Wei Han, Farhad and Kan were concerned…

In the end, I think between the three of them, they probably spent about $40-$50 trying, and none of them managed to win it. And I won myself a dragon for $2 by winning a race =) I named him/her Dragonseka

Here are a few more pictures from the fair:

These are both cakes, believe it or not! Super cute!

Ben, Farhad and Wei Han got really bored waiting for me and Hui Kiet to finish making our ‘soya candles’ and resorted to gnawing on their collars out of sheer frustration…

I was trying to figure out which earrings to buy… but in the end got a special discount from this Thai guy making stuff out of shells… From $10 to $2! Just for being Thai!

Getting this thing to float on its own was a real challenge!


Eeee… eeew…

No comment…

The top-right warning is a little bit worrying… do they mean while it’s moving… or would they stop it first? Kan and I waited while the rest went…

Teatime! From left to right, for those who are unfamiliar with these faces: Me, Kan, Wei Han, Ben, Farhad, Hui Kiet
Richard was supposed to come and join us, but he never made it =(

Dinner at Bismi – why does everyone look so dead tired?

Rue Babylon… Dragonseka has his/her first drink. Bumped into Hardesh and his friend there, too =)

It all ended with a drink in Farhad’s room. Catherine was so stressed out, and we spent most of the time telling her not be bullied by anyone!

Sunday… swam for the first time in AGES! Swam for a whole hour! I didn’t know that Hui Kiet was coming as well, and apparently we were there the whole time at the same time, and totally missed each other! How was that possible?!

Anyhow, had dinner with Kan and we started planning our summer holidays – I think I am not going to go for the NUS conference and just go to Bangkok a month earlier, right after exams finish… on November 10! That way, we can go up to Laos! Never mind student politics… I think it’s time to move on to something new next year… I’ll do my year as MUISS education officer if I get elected… then calm down, chill out and just hang out a lot more… enjoy my university years =)

Speaking of MUISS elections… haha… that election forum the other day… I’ve never heard such pointless questions all my life. The ‘friends of MUISS’ were asking things that basically said “I want things run the old fashioned way – OUR way”. So much for progressive thinking! It seemed more like an opportunity for them to show that they disapprove of ‘new blood’ (meaning, in this case, Farhad, since the rest are all ex-MUISS people) and ‘new ideas’ (meaning, here, people who do not belong to the ‘friends of muiss’ clique, which was almost all of us).

Oh… maybe I’m just being judgemental… I shouldn’t be. But I can’t stand the fact that some people seem to think that if one is to be part of MUISS, it has to be the only commitment in anyone’s life… as though it were a marriage! What I really love about our team is that we all come from different backgrounds, and are involved in other activities as well. It simply means that we’ll have more creative ideas when we work together as a team, and we’ll argue more (not quarrel, mind you!), which will lead to creative solutions, rather than the norm.

I wondered at the amount of questions the team received regarding whether or not we’d be capable of handling the workload. A person in capable if they believe they are capable. The questions should be about what we intend to do in our roles, not about many contact hours we have per week! We’re all dedicated, and it’s up to us to decide whether or not we can handle the workload. It’s up to the voter to decide whether we are suitable for the role, and I hardly believe that how many hours we spend in class per week has any significance!

But getting back to my earlier point… that I shouldn’t be judgemental. I can’t help it! I remember when I came back from NLCAC2004, I was still a MUISS committee member, even though I’d been elected as state convenor. I remember thinking that my team would be supportive of me… but NO. I performed my duties as editor for Network magazine with all due diligence. I attended all MUISS meetings. I perhaps didn’t do as much in the MUISS lounge as I used to, but in any case, I still performed my duties fully. So what was the big deal? Even when I had time to do things on campus, and help MUISS, all of a sudden I was considered an outsider because my time was managed between NLC and MUISS.

What a load of crap… viva la difference! Progress requires a catalyst!


Post Mortem

Elections are over. So... as far as I know, we've got a few international students up there... so we've accomplished our mission! It's about having a little more representation for international students, and we've done that. We've made them listen to us a little more, and we've made them realise that we are on this campus, too... and that we ARE capable individuals.

The hostility has died down - I'm sure they will be much nicer to us from now on :) This year we were the newcomers - next year they'll know us, and be more civil.

Anyhow, It's that time again... time where I start compiling a list of all the people who were absolutely beautiful over the past few days... weeks! And I must say, this will be quite election specific, so don't feel offended if your name doesn't appear on this list (although you might be surprised)!

First of all, let's go about this chronologically, so I can start when it all started trickling together (excuse any factual inaccuracies - this is how I remember things, and my memory is sometimes quite vague when it comes to time sequence):

** Rick: Thanks, for being the first one to volunteer to run in elections, and letting me know that I'm not the only crazy looney out there who thinks that we should be representing ourselves more than we do now! I didn't know NLCAC would have such an impact! But no thanks for your paranoid delusions about conspiracy theories which had me doing strange things this semester!

** Song Yee: Gensec of MUISS, now National Gensec - you are one truly capable person I genuinely respect - ... for having the faith in me, and encouraging the rest to do the same also (and later on, for having faith that staplers CAN be run through a printer!)

** Tammy: Sweet, quiet, intelligent and dedicated. You've been a great support and an asset, and truly, should our team be elected for MUISS next year, I think you'll be the one I have the least quarrels with! As "The Vad" would say: "RESPECT!"

** Patrick: A deeply intelligent and passionate person, with many skills that still need to be drawn out. A truly team-oriented person - you really now what it is like to support the ones who care about you, and the ones who you care about. Thanks for being there for me, and for having trust in me! We'll work well together next year!

** Catherine: ZAP! Wow, you are one amazing girl. Truly, the only person I know who can jump in between people you don't know, interrupt a conversation, and have everyone listen to you and smile. Genuinely. People love you! Who wouldn't? It's been a pleasure working with you since NLCAC, and I hope the relationship goes on well into the future!

** James: You've not long to go until you graduate, so it's a shame I'm only now getting to know you now! But thanks for supporting the team - it was especially cute to see you walk Maggie over the line holding hands with her :) Next year we'll have a good time in MUISS exec (if we win).

** Akshay: First of all, for being a supportive national convenor, but most importantly, for being a friend. It's taken us a while to get to that level, but I'm glad you talk to me about things OTHER than politics nowadays :) Although, it may just be that I don't think things are political as easily anymore, and therefore think you speak less of them? (Hmmm).

** Yue Lin: Underneath your quiet, reflective style is really a person with many creative layers to you. I find you a truly intrigueing individual - someone who I coud never get bored of, really. You are a quiet wealth of knowledge. I know I can trust you to put your heart into everything that you do. Thanks for being there to support the team!

** Kan: Speak of coming to the rescue! I'm amazed that a person can be so selfless, despite having their own commitments (and lots of them!). We've only really known each other a very short time, but I'm already looking forward to enjoying summer holidays back in Thailand in your company! Can't wait to come over and play video-games (hahaha!)

** Farhad: Again, an amazingly selfless individual! I feel like I've gotten to know (and appreciate) you in a really short time - although that may have a lot to do with interviewing you and bugging you about your past for my final story... Thanks for being there, and thanks for the hugs! I really can't wait to work with you next year - only cos I know we'll have a good time after a lot of difficult days!

** Ilie: One straightforward person :) Thanks for asking me when you were a bit uncertain about the MUISS stuff, and thanks for deciding to be part of the team!

** Sarinda: My dearest friend, as always, you are there somewhere in the background, always. Thanks for all the marvellous advice and support... and for asking HOW I AM. Not how the elections are. OK, enough, don't want to inflate further your already maniacal ego.

** Yin Chien: Last minute saviour, for sure! And always thinking of what you can do to help others. I've only just gotten to know you, but I already have a very hig level of respect for you, for being so selfless!

** Tammie: A person with a sweet and funky, relaxed style. Truly worth listening to, and that's probably why you were our super-campaigner, walking people over the white line as though elections had all of a sudden become the hottest thing on campus! Looking forward to NLCAC next year with you around!

** Kheng Ling: A great team player - Thanks for committing yourself in this campaign. I know I can expect you to apply yourself with dedication to whatever it is you do, as you have in the past few days.

** Ling Ling: I find it funny how people drift in and out of one's life, and now you... well, I guess, you've drifted back in unexpectedly! I've always repected you for being someone with a mind of your own. Thanks for being there, and thanks for being part of this team!

** Hui Kiet, Ben, Wei Han: Thanks for turning up in the last minutes to help us out with the campaign... I think I'll be getting to know you all a little bit better in the future, cos I'll definitely be hanging out in the halls more in the future now!

** Con: Hehe... you must have nerves of steel, putting up with both my factions and my complaints :)

** Jess: It's been a pleasure meeting you, since I've had less chance to work in a team with local students than with internationals. I'll be seeing more of you in the future, surely!

** Joel: For epressing what I had trouble putting in words: that the opposing team had the paternising belief that international students would be unable to handle their own representation, and that they would do a better job at it!

** Liberal team, generally: Thanks. I've heard all the negative rap about you guys, having been constantly involved in Australian Student Unionism. But I'm glad I finally had the opportunity to make up my mind for myself. Racist, sexist homophobic? No way! You guys have shown in your very actions that you were the only ones willing to listen to us. I guess, in continueing to comment on Australian politics, I honestly don't care what political side you are on. It's totally alien to me, as the two countries I come from don't resemble Australia in any way. And quite frankly, neither your Labor or Liberal has done anything useful for international students that isn't at the same time of great economic advantage to yourselves (fair enough, give and take...). But hey - ON CAMPUS, you guys are an incredible team! Thanks :)

** Jeremy: Mwahaha... thanks for taking my shit during the election :) Thanks for coming to my housewarming ages ago... and thanks - we had a good night out even in iteh midst of negotiations - you've gotten better at what you do (politically) and I'm looking forward to a few more drinks with you in the future!

** Sam: RESPECT! I like you VAD people. I'll do some VAD campaigning next year for SURE! As long as I can talk about Santa Claus!

** Keith: Thanks for coming over to Monash and helping out with the comlaints side of the campaign - really needed more unity people out here :)

** Last, but not least, MA!!: Thanks for calling me and calming me down when the stress was beginning to build up. It's good to know that you understand because you were so involved in you university years, too!

Ok... now that I've exhausted this list, I'd really like to thank, once again, the whole team. I'm absolutely in love with all the great new people I've met. It really renews my faith in 'human goodness' when I see how well people can stand together when occasion demands. And when the crap dies down, it's great that opponents can put aside differences, shake hands, and be friends again :)

Next up: MUISS elections


santa-claus campaigns

Elections can get damned bitchy

Only a person who has never been on the "other" side of the line of being racially discriminated against could go around making false accusations of someone being racist, or calling another person a racist. It's a VERY serious allegation, and it shouldn't be used lightly. It hurts a lot to be called something that one's been fighting against for years. Really. Believe me.

I just want to thank my whole team in advance for doing such a great job and keeping spirits up :) Didn't think that I'd be breaking down in the middle of campaigning!

oh... well. Just one more day to go!


Going to strangle GO!

But I won't, because then I'd be reduced to their level of dirty campaigning :)

Here's a pic of our wonderful team!

Two more days of elections to go now... the long day is over... one of our campaigners got disqualified... but... oh well :(

Two more days!


Oh dear... it's the first day of campaigns

I'm feeling a bit jittery...

But this is a picture that cheered me up this morning :)

(Poor duckies -> I'm sure the picture is rigged!)


What's the best road forward?

I haven't updated this site for ages... and for good (?) reason... Elections!

Not only am I now coordinating the international student faction in MSA elections and running for education officer, I'm also running in MUISS elections and helping out there as much as I can...

Here's a few designs for "I" 4 International... which one looks better?

This week is crazy! Assignment due tomorrow... then on Friday, then on Monday! And not to mention, lots of chalk-ups to do, and posters to put up around campus, details to iron out... *sigh* I can forget about sleeping for the next two weeks!

Luckily, there is a semester break after the elections are over and I'll have time to finalise my individual research assignment before the last few hectic weeks of semester 2.

I went to the travel agency today... asked about the way to Astana from here... I think the cheapest (and most fun!) way for me to get there this December is to take a plane to Shanghai (c. $1100) one way, then take the trans-Mongolian from there to Almaty across China... then ... well, I'm guessing there should be local trains that go up to Astana from Almaty (although I'll surely freeze on the way). On the way back, I can take a train to Shanghai again (round trip Melb-Shanghai-BKK-Melb costs $2,100), and fly back from there via BKK.

The normal round-trip by air costs around $3,500 after tax, and that would involve flying through BKK, Singapore, Istanbul or Malaysia on the way there and back.

The around the world ticket costs less! It's around $2,900, and that's for minimum 3 stopovers, max 15, and 29,000 miles to work with :) Maybe that would be the balance between cost-effective and safe? Although the train is sounding like a LOT of fun :)

Then again, with around the world, I could do Melbourne -> Latin America -> US -> India/Southern Europe/Middle East -> Astana -> BKK -> Singapore or Malaysia -> Melbourne

So... value for money or cheap adventure?


aaah... the joy...

... of lying in bed for a few extra minutes knowing that I am up early but don't have any meetings until the afternoon :)


Sarinda is back from Sri Lanka!!


I was feeling like someone was missing from my life for a while...

Thanks for our cath-up session tonight... some ...interesting... discussions we had... hope we didn't freak out your cousin too much!

anyhow, just a few more people are missing from melbourne... how nice life would be with them around!

general updates:

-I'm not running in elections, elections are running me (and my life!)

-Parents are moving to Kazakhstan

-i've been told, again, that i'm a confused individual (thanks sarinda...)

-msa elections are in THREE weeks. MUISS elections are in FOUR!


what else?

don't know, too worn out :(